Saturday, September 1, 2012

Not Back to School

What a month it's been.  August is a month usually spent back to school shopping and getting ready for going back to school.  Two years ago I was sending the kids off to public Preschool.  I collected coupons, watched the sales fliers and gathered my courage to go brave the mob hungry crowds for deals.  I did a little shopping last year before Kindergarten because I bought the bulk of everything big enough for them to last thru two years.  Way to go me!  This year I've been mourning the passing of back to school shopping.  I did a lot of their 'school shopping' in spring time with tax return money.  Where am I going with this?  Frankly I don't know.  I think it's finally really and truly dawning on me that I'm a rebel and won't be sending the kids off to school this year.  That's a huge proverbial step in my parenthood journey.

A side story  to back up my choice;  we went out of town last week.  I attended my milestone high school class reunion paired with a few days spent with two other couples we adore.  I left the kids with their Uncle to watch overnight.  The kids love their Aunt, Uncle and cousins but have been spotty about speaking to them spontaneously.  In the past it usually takes a week or so for them to warm up on their own.  Their Aunt reported to me when I picked them up the next morning an I'm quoting.  "I figured I'd lay the law down, I was nice but firm.  I told them that we were eating in 5 mins.  If they couldn't tell me what they wanted for breakfast then I wouldn't know what to feed them."  She said it only took seconds for the pair to reply in unison "Pamcakes".    On errands we may run through out the week they ask me to "Be brave" to cashiers and clerks that we visit.  I've heard them in the backyard yelling and squealing delightfully with the neighbors kids outside too.  I don't know if it's a matter of maturity, therapy or the release of anxiety from having to return to 'school' but I think they're happier and feeling more secure.  I've noticed a more carefree attitude in their demeanor.  I'm not going to toot my horn too loudly yet.  Just wanted to put it out there for posterity.

On another very exciting note.  We finally got to register for our Co op classes.  The kids are in 3 different classes during a morning once a week.  They're taking a Geography class called "I love the USA".  Second hour will be occupied by Nest Entertainment videos.  I believe they are the Animated Hero Classic Series.   And Fun with Math will be presented in the third hour.   I'm really excited about the prospects of meeting other home school families in the area.  I feel like such a hermit.  I don't have time to make friends and I'll admit, I'm an older mom, some days I just don't have the energy to put into it.  Does that sound odd?  Is it just me?

I'm getting the HSLDA sorted out and I've registered the kids with the state so that they may still receive Speech Therapy and their specials, ie, meaning Art and Music classes at their old school.  I thought the interaction with old school friends would be good for them.  I've heard controversy before about sending the kids to ST, but the last two years have been good.  This year has yet to be seen.  The therapist that had diagnosed them and was so invested has returned to college a state away.  This year we will be experiencing a new therapist and they have pretty big shoes to fill, I'm hoping for the best.  I'm in for a lot of educating people on how to approach these two and bringing them up to speed so that they are useful to us.

A quick update I wanted to share about the homeschooling 'thang'.  We've took off last week because we were getting ready to leave mid week on our mini vacation and took this week off coming back home due to registering, doctor's appointments and just in general cleaning the house and putting things away from our trip.  I felt the 'good vibes' resonate that homeschooling doesn't have to be a pencil in hand pouring over text books or worksheets.  We did 'short school' this week where we've cuddled up on the couch, juice boxes in hand reading stories.  We reviewed the Godly Character traits and I started reading aloud  The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler Warner.  (suggested from a friend)   We practiced computer skills at Sheppards Software which is FREE and is really good stuff!  We went over their memory verses, we're studying Proverbs.  I started teaching them some basic signs to help trigger their verses from memory. (yet another suggestion from a very good friend and veteran homeschool mom)
A foolish man gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.  Proverbs 29:11

 Have I stressed the importance of making friends with like minded people?  They have been a Godsend.  Literally.  God knows what He's doing when He calls your heart and will give you the tools to help you succeed.  If I can share one more thing I read from another homeschool mom on our Co op site;

"Dear Moms—especially new homeschool moms— 
this is a Public Service Announcement: Homeschooling should NOT be overwhelming.

If God has called you to homeschool your children, He WILL equip you for the journey. If your "core" curriculum is overwhelming, take a step back and really pray about how much work you are taking on for both yourself and your kids.

I fear we are focusing too much on the "3 R's" and we're forgetting the things that matter most. They will never be found inside a text book. They will be found in the most unexpected places-a bed time story, a conversation over breakfast, a steady guiding of conscience and spirit by a mom who is surrendered to the One who loves her children most.

Character before curriculum. Marriage before mothering. These are the things that matter most. ♥"

 So as August comes to a close and September is edging it's way in, I'm going to watch the school bus go by my house for the first time and that sinking feeling will finally reach the bottom of my toes.  The kids are being homeschooled.  With God's grace, He's gonna move mountains through me for them.  I hope and pray He has intended this all along and that these two will flourish confidently and find their voice.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I am stopping by from the MFW Blogroll and co-hosting the My Father's World Homeschool Highlights this school year with Monica @ DiscoverTheirGifts. This is where MFW families connect weekly, or as often as you like, to share what we are doing in our schools. The first one is September 8, the info is on my blog. I hope you join us!


    ps: I pray that you have a wonderful year and enjoy all the blessings that come with schooling your children :)


Be brave.....